Hi there! Thanks for checking out my blog!
I’m Christopher Wing. I travel the world, seeking new adventures, great food, and Disney theme parks (not always in that order).
Travel is in my blood. Just in the past ten years, I’ve lived in Seattle, Toronto, Vancouver, London, and Mountain View (California). I grew up mostly in California’s Central Coast, but even as a kid I also lived in Michigan, Colorado, and even a ghost town in the Nevada desert.
Disney is also part of my DNA. My own mother actually worked at Disneyland under the watchful eye of Walt Disney himself in the 1960s. Growing up, my parents used to take me to Disneyland about twice a year, and it was always an amazing treat. Over the years, my experiences in the parks have changed, from the early years where all I wanted to do was climb around Tom Sawyer Island, to my teens when I started researching the history of the parks and got to hang out with Dave Smith at the Walt Disney Archives, to my adult years when I finally had the time and money to see every Disney theme park worldwide.
I hope the posts on this blog capture some of my passion for travel and for Disney theme parks. And, I hope this inspires you to have some adventures of your own!
Thank you.